"e-Precision Medicine Japan" is the latest cancer genomic medicine textbook was developed in 2017 by the National Cancer Center Japan with the full cooperation from specialists in various fields representing Japan’s cancer treatment. The management of this website has been transferred to us and is currently in operation.
SCRUM Japan, an industry-academia collaborative nationwide cancer genome screening program, has constructed a gene analysis / diagnosis system performed by the Expert Panel of specialists of various institutes and expertise. It can be used nationwide and the system uses a genetic screening platform that was built by SCRUM Japan.
In collaboration with related academic societies such as the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, we have also developed a training program to encourage the use of this system.
The training program is called 'e-Precision Medicine Japan'.
e-Precision Medicine Japan covers not only clinical oncologists at medical institutions but also CRC (Clinical Research Coordinator). It is an e-Learning site that was built with the aim of establishing a Precision Medicine system and enables learning at cross-organic and genetic level.
This site is the official learning material of the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, The Japanese Society of Hereditary Tumors, and the Japanese Society of Pathology.
e-Precision Medicine Japan website: