基調講演1: アカデミアの立場から Current status and future perspective of cancer genetics in Japan 桑田 健 先生 (国立がん研究センター東病院 遺伝子診療部門 部門長)
基調講演2: アカデミアの立場から Implementation of germline variants in precision oncology: Challenges and Solutions Dr. Ghassan Abou-Alfa (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center & Weill Cornell College at Cornell University)
基調講演3: 企業の立場から BRCA1/2 tests and Beyond Dr. T.J. Slavin (Myriad Genetics, Inc. / Chief Medical Officer)
基調講演4: 企業の立場から Drug development for hereditary cancer
Dr. Liz Harrington (Executive Director, Translational Medicine, Early Oncology, AstraZeneca)
基調講演5: 行政の立場から Current Status and Future Prospects of Cancer Genome Medicine Provision System 春名 健伍 先生 (厚生労働省健康局がん・疾病対策課 主査)
*1 We may not accept applications from competitors. *2 Applies to sponsors with free participation slots. *3 Applies to co-sponsored seminar sponsors and sponsors with free participation slots. *4 If you are unsure of the number of free slots available, please contact us. ※5 22CEMIT 個人会員にご登録いただきますと、お申込不要で無料にて視聴可能となります。 Click hereのご案内をご確認ください
Organizer: The 22nd Century Cutting-Edge Medical IT Organization Cooperation: National Cancer Center East Hospital Number of participants: 300 (physicians, co-medical professionals, business people, etc. engaged in cancer genome medicine in Japan) The meeting will be hold via Zoom.